
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Yesterday was new episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory.

HIMYM had a funny episode about "The Window", referring to the window of time when the girl of your dreams become available. The girl has to be so special that she never stays single for long. I know more than I care to about "Windows". So this episodes hit some familiar nerves for me. Also Joanna Garcia is an actress who is perfect for Maggie, the girl next door of Ted's dream. I loved her in Reba and wanted to watch Priviledged because of her. Barney is overalls trying to pick up women and the rest of the gang trying to keep guys away from Joanna's character while Ted is teaching class was top notch, except for Robin's acting desperate for an uninterested guy to keep him away from Maggie. Whenever Robin acts desperate, I cringe. Usually the more together she is, the funnier (and hotter) she is.
On BBT, Howard's girlfriend gets interested in Leonard's work causing Howard and Penny to get jealous. Howard because he's afraid he'll lose his girl to Leonard and Penny cause she can't talk to Leonard about his work. This causes Penny to convince Sheldon to teach her about Physics. This leads to alot fo Penny/Sheldon scenes. Penny/Sheldon scenes are among the funniest scenes ever on the show and this week didn't disappoint.
Both shows had quality episodes this week. But BBT had less weakness (Howard>Robin) and more laugh-really-loud-out-loud moments. The season standing is once again tied: HIMYM:5-BBT:5.

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