
Monday, December 10, 2007

I've had an interesting week. Messed up my work computer accidentally (software-wise, not hardware-wise) so while I get my computer fixed, I've been using a lesser computer. The plus side is that I ended up finally getting wireless internet in my apartment.

I'm actually wasn't too disappointed with the Steelers loss today. Mainly because they're still going to make the playoffs and I knew it was going to be a tough game.

I had my first snowfall since I started having to drive to/from work in the Mustang. It had no problems. In fact, the main issue I had was people were driving too slow. The only time I had any problems was turning off the small side road I live on. Then the traction control kicked in, but I didn't slide at all.

Sometime later this month, I'll have to do a recap of my yearly goals, which didn't turnout too well, but it was just my first year making goals. If you factored in tv shows on dvd into the 150 movies, I might even have achieved that.

Well, I need to get some sleep. I wanted to have a quick post since I had my computer up and running. But I will be posting more more often.

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