
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I have so much to blog about and don't have much time. It seems I have stumbled upon a social life, so I don't spend as much free time in front of my computer recently. I did want to get a quick posting in before the labor day weekend. I'll make more time this fall to blog more.

First of all, I still haven't gotten much guesses in my lyric quiz. Feel free to guess in the comments.

I've now completed four of my yearly goals. This year, I've now: been to an away Pittsburgh sports team game, been to one state I've never been to before, been on more dates than last year, and been to the Jersey shore. Unfortunately, I've also have gotten behind on my movie watching the last couple weeks. Got hooked on the tv show Las Vegas and went through the first three seasons on dvd.

Anyway, have a happy Labor day weekend, try the lyrics quiz and I'll start posting more often in September.

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