
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I got the movie Employee of the Month (#18 of the year) from Netflix. I had extremely low expectations for this movie, so this movie could only meet or exceed expectations. It did exceed expectations, but not by much. Best case scenario would have the movie being to warehouse club stores what Office Space is to offices or Waiting... is to restaurants. It wasn't.
There's a number of people in this movie who are usually annoying but manage to not be annoying. Even Andy Dick wasn't annoying, which might be a first for him. The only truly annoying character was the main bad guy and it kinda worked. Dane Cook was actually not bad of a lead actor. Jessica Simpson was given very few lines, so wasn't really required to act at all. The one time where she had to do any real acting, she did a competent job. A great actor would have done more with it, but a great actor wouldn't go see this movie, not to mention be in it.
Anyway, the movie had a few funny scenes, one that almost borders on inspired. But when the funniest moment of a movie involves a prized Honda hatchback that looks like something Bill would have driven in high school, you're not talking great comedy. But I did kinda like it. I give it a rating of worth watching on cable, but don't pay any extra money for it. The only reason to watch it on dvd would be to see the alternate beginning special feature that not only is funnier than the real beginning, but establishes the story alot better and has Eva Longoria, who isn't in the actual movie.

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