
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I still plan on writing posts for each of the tv show I watch, but I have one comment about Studio 60. John Goodman was great as a small town judge the last two episodes, but one thing disappointed me. By casting Goodman in the character, it'll limit the possibility of him coming back on the show. On the West Wing, he had a great role as the republican Speaker of the House who becomes the acting President. His West Wing stint lasted only a few episodes, but it left room for him to come back, which he did for one episode. I don't see his character on Studio 60 coming back. It's a shame.

And on a seperate note, here's some information that some of you might find handy in the future.

Bydaway, I got a email tonight that some of my high school classmates are planning our 15 year reunion. Damn, does time fly. It seems like only yesterday that the ten year reunion happened. But then again, the past five years have also been extremely eventful. Next month also marks ten years since I got out of college.

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