
Monday, October 30, 2006

For the first time since I've moved here, Camden is not the most dangerous city in the country. It dropped to fifth. Of course, it's also interesting that the top two most dangerous cities were the two hosts of the world series this year.

Also, apparently I'm not the only one who's going to miss the Taurus. Then again, I know at least one person who will definitely not miss the Taurus.

I saw the movie Spanglish over the weekend. I liked it. It was not what you would expect from the advertising campaign when it was in the theatres. It's not really a comedy. It's a light drama about differences in backgrounds and classes, the language barrier, and being assimilation into a new culture. It was well cast and Adam Sandler shows he can act. While I'm not sure I would call it a great movie, it is a lot better than the other non-Adam-Sandler movie that Sandler starred in.

Did you not see the picture of the pg columnist? She's 112. Why, because that's the minimum age for driving a taurus.
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