
Sunday, July 23, 2006

I saw Clerks II yesterday. It is by far the funniest movie I've seen in the theatre in a long time.

I read that Kevin Smith was surprised that they got a R-rating without making any cuts. I can understand why. It could have easily gotten a NC-17.

With that I warn, you need a certain type of sense of humor to enjoy this movie. It's a love-it-or-hate-it movie. You don't need to have seen Clerks to follow or enjoy Clerks II, but if you're the type that would enjoy Clerks II's humor, you would have already seen Clerks. So, if you haven't seen Clerks yet, rent it before seeing Clerks II, otherwise you could be in for a shock.

To sum it up, if you've seen Kevin Smith's movies and laughed, go see Clerks II. Otherwise, avoid it.

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