
Friday, June 16, 2006

Work has gotten more hectic. From Sunday through Wednesday I didn't leave work til after 10pm. I hit 40 hours for the week on Wednesday. Yesterday was all overtime. I took today off. I got a haircut and took the Mustang in for the first oil change. Things are hopefully going to calm down this week a little, but it's definitely looks to get less busy by the end of July. I realized this week that Fourth of July weekend is a five-day weekend for me. Since I'll be back in Pittsburgh the weekend before, I won't be driving back that weekend. I'm thinking that if things are still busy at work, I can get work three extra days and still get a regular weekend off.

This year, I had planned on not going back to Pittsburgh as much and explore the Philly area more. I even have a informal list in my mind of things I want to do. Such as going to the museum where Rocky ran up the steps, go to a baseball game at Citizens park and a concert at the Tweeter Center, go down to Delaware at least one so I can take it off the list of states I've never been to, and simply make more trips into Philly on my days off and simply walk around. There might be a slight crimp in my plans. Because of his work, my brother won't be around Pittsburgh as much during a extended period this summer, meaning I might be making the trip across state more than I hoped. One thing, though, I already have tickets to the first two games of the three-game series when the Pirates come to town the second weekend in July. I'll probably end up going to the third game as well.

I'm all for new technology when it comes to cleaning. I got one of these a couple months ago. It seems to work. The weird stain disappeared in my bathtub. The only fault I see is that the design has indentations that might have areas or two that the spray doesn't hit. Also, it seems kinda loud when I run it at six in the morning. But it's working better than the spray-every-day cleaner that I didn't keep up with. Now if I can just find one to clean the rest of my bathroom, and don't think I haven't thought of hanging it on the back of the door and spraying my whole bathroom.

I've also discovered sleeping shorts. Shorts that are like knee-length boxers that are great to sleep in. More comfortable than full-length pajama bottoms. Also, they come in Monty Python designs.

This coming wednesday is my nephew's 5th birthday which means it is also the 2nd anniversary of my start at my current company. I got the job offer around the tenth june, drove out to Philly on the 20th and started work on the 21st. Despite my not reaching the two year mark yet, this already has become my second longest job. Interesting thing is, there are people at my company who have been there over fifty years, so saying this job has more security than the dot-coms I worked for is a understatement.

So, if I start getting back from work at a reasonable hour, there should be more posts more often on this blog.

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