
Monday, September 26, 2005

Okay, I don't have much time tonight. In fact, I don't have much time this week. I'm currently working on two projects, twenty hours a week on each, but the one that will end in a couple weeks is in a total time crunch and one of my assignments has turned out a week longer than scheduled, so I'm behind on it so I'll likely be working extremely late every night for the rest of the week.

Just a brief update. I got a new phone in the mail last Wednesday. I took it Wednesday night to the verizon store that is in the middle of the nearby Circuit City store to get my phone book transferred. I didn't want to go back to the Verizon Wireless store I had the problems with. So I went there and not only did they transfer all the numbers, but they did it without charging the fee, which the technical support person at the other store said that they would. Apparently there is officially a charge to do it, but most places don't, figuring that you're already paying for a new phone and service.

I went into work on friday and sunday morning/early afternoon. Saturday, I finally hung pictures up on my walls. I got my CMU degree up, as well as this, this & this, this, and this. (The last one looks alot better than the picture on the page shows. It's hanging up over my entertainment center.) Not to mention a few that I don't have time to find pictures of on the internet. I also put up a bigger portrait of my niece and nephew that was taking up too much space on my entertainment center. So far, I have the sports pictures on one wall, movies on the other long wall, my degree on the short wall, and miscellaneous up in the bedroom. Next week, sometime, I'm hoping to dig out older photographs of friends and family and put them up on my wall. There is plenty of space under my college degree. After the time I put in preparing my place for my family's visit, I decided I needed to make this place livable so that I wouldn't have to go through it again.

You know what would look nice in your place? A painting of a seagull on an orange background.
You've been there how long? And you're just now hanging pictures?
Trust me, if I still owned the sea gull painting, it'd be hanging up right now. But, as the framed pictures on Terri's living room wall attest, the painting has taken a one-way dumpster ride. And I was tempted to retrieve it after the pictures were taken. If I had tossed it in the dumpster at my place, I probably would have.
Bill, I think I explained in the post that my family's visit (as well as the newly acquired two-stadium Pittsburgh shot) inspired me to start hanging pictures and make the place more livable.
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