
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It's been a while since I last posted. Been busy with the project that I'm still working on, but it's almost definite that this will be my last week. I also was attempting to get my place ready for my family's visit last weekend. They ended up not coming because first my niece and then my nephew got sick. I was actually thankful. My mom keeps telling me she feels guilty for having not visited, but quite frankly, it's easier and less stressful for everyone if I visit them. I just jump in the car and drive home. I don't have to clean up my place, figure out places to take them, or sleep on the couch. My family doesn't have to make the drive cramped in one car. My parents don't have to sleep in a strange bed. My brother doesn't have to worry about a hotel room or any of the problem that arise when traveling with a 4 year old and a 11 month old. And for an added bonus, when I visit them, I can go to church, as well as visit my friends still in the Pittsburgh area.

So my parents aren't coming to visit, which is best birthday present I could hope for. I think I've posted before about my issues with presents I receive, mostly from my family. It boils down to this: I don't really like what I get, but when I don't pretend like I like them, I get lectured that good money was spent, so I should atleast pretend like I like what I get. So, instead I just feel guilty that I don't like what I get, which often ends up making me feel sick, literally. It's actually more complicated than that, but it's now to the point where, even if my family got me a great present, it could never cancel out the dread I feel from just thinking about getting the present.

For my birthday tonight, I went to see a movie. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It was a really good movie. Maybe a great movie, but when I go see a movie on a workday, I often trouble staying awake in the early parts of movie and I was struggling with staying awake early on. But once the main action sequences kicked in, it was a great movie. Great chemistry between the stars. Also, this movie is in the vein of True Lies in the way it mixes action and comedy, so don't go thinking in too much details about various plot devices and setups.

Okay, well, I had a big post in my head looking back and discussing and comparing the last few years of my life, but it's late and I don't feel like going into it now. I'll save that for another day. I'll just leave with one point. Yes, I'm getting older and my body is looking it, but my mind still feels young and my recent years have been more eventful than those ten or more years ago. This past year was my 31st on the planet and looking back, it seems more filled than almost any year before it. It's definitely in the top two of my adult years. So, things seem to be looking up. With just a little luck, year #32 can only be better.

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