
Sunday, May 01, 2005

I went to a Camden Riversharks game friday night. How can you not love minor league baseball. I went there at game time and, for $10, I bought a front row seat between home plate and the third-base side dugout. The visiting team had three left-handed batters in the top half of their lineup so, in the first half-inning, I saw at least six foul balls go over my head. It forces people to pay attention.

Being minor league, they have some sort of entertainment or activity during every half inning, including a inflatable cow-tipping contest. Tomorrow night is pay your weight night, where the tickets cost a penny for each pound someone ways. Good deal for anyone, even someone my weight.

I worked a total of about twelve hours between yesterday and saturday, trying to get some time in and catch up on work.

Now for some news:
- English is now West Virginia's official language. Make your own joke.

- I would hope that this will discourage spammers, but, at best, it will discourage American spammers. This won't discourage those based in foreign countries.

- Simply a great article about Darth Vader.

- If this happened ten years ago, I just might be one of the people being sued. Probably not though, I still like the act of physically buying the cd and looking at the artwork. Also, it always seems to me that, with the exception of the acts with strong fan bases, internet music is mostly singles and some of the greatest music moments for me have been finding a great b-side. Besides, a single is only a four minute experience, but a good album can be a forty-five minute roller coaster ride. The thing I fear the most that could come as a result of the coming of internet music is the death of the album. Granted, pop music has been putting out albums with a couple good singles and the rest filler, but this could simply speed up the death of albums.

- This is what I'm saying would happen. I've heard in the media how Pittsburgh wasn't a big market for flyers. But I've personally flown out of Cleveland, Columbus, and even Baltimore, not to mention driving to Washington, D.C., because of expensive flights coming out of Pittsburgh. With cheaper airfares out of Pittsburgh, people flying out of Pittsburgh has increased. Hoping with Southwest coming this month, it will only go up. The cheap rate between Pittsburgh and Philly will be great.

- This mentions the Loew's at the waterfront near Pittsburgh. The reserved seats at the one in Cherry Hill isn't as nice.

- You could create a whole tourist industry, drawing people in just to hunt cats. Might be more challenging than hunting deer, unless you get one of the cats chasing the laser on your laser sight.

- Possibly my favorite quote in a tv or movie review in a while is in this one:
"'Revelations' opens moodily, with a series of end-is-nigh visions: War and famine abound; a mysterious baby is rescued from the Adriatic; Bill Pullman lands a role in which he's not entirely neutered."

- If you're gonna sell your kid for a car, you can do better than a Mercury Cougar.

- I agree that they should give the cup out to someone this year.

- I actually own this album on cd. My mom had a decent record collection, including old Beatles and Elvis albums, but this one caught my eye for obvious reasons, but the music was also really good. It's still one of my favorite album covers of all time.

- I remember when Trivial Pursuit came out. I wasn't even 100% sure what Trivia was, but, for some reason I wanted that game for Christmas. It just fascinated me. But my parents had already bought it for my brother as a present. They didn't switch it over to one of my presents, I think, because they thought I was too young at the time for it. Still, over the years I got more use out of that set than my brother ever did. At one point in high school, I think Bill, Sig, and I had the whole Genus I edition memorized.

- Back in collge, I think the term "SWAT Monkey" would have become a over-used phrased after this article.

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