
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What a day. I couldn't access the internet at home and couldn't do what I needed to do at work because when they installed the microsoft program I need to do one part of my project, it failed to install correctly and in the process it screwed up the program I need to do the other two parts of the project. I could go down in the lab and get the work done, but I wanted to be at my desk in case the guy came to fix my computer.

They came this afternoon to fix the internet connection at home and it seems the MAC number for my modem got slightly changed in the company's system. Two letters in the MAC got changed to zeros. I guess it's better than last time when they simply lost the MAC from their system entirely.

This weekend is the big cleanup weekend for my apartment before the big visit the following weekend. I'll hopefully find the time to post a couple things, including the answer to the lyrics quiz sometime this weekend.

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