
Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Went to the Steelers-Jets game with a my brother and a couple friends of his from college. One of them, Bill, has been living with a girl since before any of the other guys even knew their wives. While we were tailgating, my brother jokingly asked Bill if he had married Sarah yet. Bill replied, seriously, "Yeah. Didn't I tell you?" Apparently, they decided to get married but not have any celebration. So they went down and got married in a civil ceremony. Bill told the IRS, their health insurance company, but forgot to tell his friends.

Anyway, a belated Congrats go out to Bill and Sarah.

And while on the subject of marriage and college friends, I realized earlier this year that, while I've gone to a number of weddings of people I've met in high school or before and one wedding of someone I met after college, I have yet to go to a wedding of someone I've met in college. Of all my college friends, all but two of them have married. (Three if you count a guy I met at the college radio station shortly after I graduated.) I guess that's the difference between my students at my high school and college. Either the people I went to high school with formed a closer bond because the less amount of flexibility in our lifestyles or my college friends were more apt to leave the area, making it alot easier to lose touch with them. It's probably some of both. One of my still-single college friends is someone I have not talked to just once in about four years, despite us being real close friends before he moved out of Pittsburgh. So, I guess, if/when he gets married, my 0-fer streak will continue. Oh, well. No big deal. As it stands now, I've attended the only two weddings that I would categorize as truly can't miss. And I've been best man at both.

Here's an interesting story about an incident that happened to country singer Chely Wright. You can watch the video for the song it inspired here. I can comprehend how someone might get that angry about a bumper sticker that shows support for the war or even the President, but the Marines? I think that is what I hate most about politics today. People are so determined to prove their side is right that they choose to hate anybody who they deem is for the other side. And it doesn't matter which side they're on. The best way to win nowadays is to tear your opponents down. People can't just agree to disagree. The first letter in this Dear Prudence column is another example. Someone actually dropping their friends because of whom they voted for for President. That's someone who I wouldn't want as a friend.

As bumper stickers go, I've never put one on a car I've driven regularly. But if I did, it wouldn't be political or sports related. There are too many people out there who would take out their issues on a car that disagrees with them.

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