
Saturday, November 13, 2004

Reading a online entertainment column, I found a link to a movie poster site, more specificly this page on the site, which shows this glimpse of Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka:

I loved the idea of Tim Burton doing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" ever since I first heard about it and this leads me to believe it'll live up to my expectations.

Then I started to look at other upcoming movie posters on the site. I found this one, which I immediately added to my must-see movie list:

And the must-see became stronger when I saw the one they had for the same movie only featuring Bruce Willis.

***Note(11-17-04): It seems that, for some reason, on my computer at work that the images I inserted into this post aren't showing up. But when I put the image url directly into the browser I can see them, then when I hit back to the blog, they now appear. Maybe it's because I use IE at work and Netscape at home. Anyway, here are the URLs to the images, in case there are no images above in this post.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Sin City

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