
Monday, August 09, 2004

I'm back. I now have all my stuff out of my old place and into my new place. I have cable, internet and even a landline phone at my new place as well. My laptop is set up on my kitchen counter cause I don't have neither my living room furniture nor desk set up yet and my current computer cable doesn't stretch to my bedroom, so if I'm at my computer at home, I'm standing up. Last weekend was my first weekend where I actually stayed in the area and I woke up friday morning with an extreme cold. For the sake of everyone at work, I went home really early friday, which means I have to go into work this friday to make up for it. Despite being sick, I still managed to get my bedroom unpacked and set up and my kitchen partially so.

As for my new place, I'm finding it has more space and alot more usuable space than my last place. The only minuses to my new place is a 600% increase in car insurance, no real grocery store in the immediate area, and my cellphone service goes kaput if there's a concert at the nearby amphitheatre.

Of course, there's also the matter of me turning the big 3-0. Unlike some people, I have no problem with it. The way I see it, I've had so many years where there were no real change inmy life that I still have the mindset of a 20 year old. And I've treated my body so bad, I have the body of a 40 year old. So I feel it all averages out. As for some people, all I can say is: 2 months, 19 days.

And speaking of turning 30, it's that many years ago today that President Nixon resigned. That also means it's the 30th birthday of a old good friend of mine. Happy Birthday Myers.

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