
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

So I was supposed to go down to Virginia today for an interview, but I never got a confirmation email, so I called around and finally, yesterday, got the person who could answer questions about my interview. Seems the person they wanted me to talk to wasn't going to be in today. So it was postponed to a yet-to-be-specified date. I also had an interview set up with another company tomorrow morning. Decided to postpone it to next week, where I already have an interview with a third company set up. Throw in a short trip to California and Vegas and I won't be spending too much time at home. If things go well, I'll come home rich and married to Britney Spears. Just kidding. If I did get married to Britney, it wouldn't last until I got home. Of course, I wouldn't end it as cheap as the first guy.

Anyway, I'm going to spend time with my family, possibly see Joe, hopefully come home with more money than I left and get a nice vacation before my interview schedule gets into full speed.

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