
Friday, February 27, 2004

Now that the "Sex and the City" hype is over, "The Sopranos" hype is starting. This is the first season that has premiered since I've seen all the previous episodes.

Last year, the promotional art had all the family in a bar. In a interview later in the season, one of the actresses explained secrets hidden in the picture. For example, she pointed out that Ralphie showed no reflection in the mirror, which was a clue that he was going to die during the season.

This year's art has the family standing on or around a boat sitting on the shore of the river. Now, I imagine that who is in the boat and who is standing outside the boat probably has some significance, but I can't tell you what. I can tell you the theory about the dead bodies lying in front of the boat. Three of the bodies are of recognizable characters who were killed in previoius seasons. They are Ralphie (whose corpse has remarkably came back together), Gloria Trillo, and Big Pussy. There are also three dead bodies with their faces turned away so they can't be recognized. The middle one, though, I think looks like Adriana. Interesting enough, Adriana is also sitting in the boat. Now if one of the bodies is a name character, then the other ones probably are too. The one on the left could be Meadow. The one to the right looks like a older gentleman. It could be Carmine, Uncle Junior, or even Paulie. Since Adriana and Meadow are also alive in the picture, I'd eliminate Carmine because he isn't in the picture. So it's my theory that Adriana, Meadow, and either Uncle Junior or Paulie is going to die this year. It's not that big of a stretch. Adriana is being forced to work for the feds. Uncle Junior has almost died in the past from both medical problems and disagreements with Tony. Paulie has been drifting away from Tony, giving inside info to Johnny Sack. So, it's easy to see all of them dead. Meadow would be a shock, but she could easily be killed as a innocent bystander.

By the way, Steve Buscemi, who directed a couple of episodes in the past, is going to be on the screen this year. I just hope he doesn't get killed off too quickly. I can't wait to see what type of character he is. The only thing that has been let known about his character is that he's a family guy who just gets released from prison.

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