
Saturday, February 14, 2004

Got good news on the job front. I have a interview next week down in Maryland. Although, my first choice would not be to relocate, if I have to relocate, Maryland is a nice place to go and it's less than a days drive from home. And the fact that I have government security clearance gives me chances for a number of jobs in the MD/DC/VA area. I have as many possibility job wise in that area as around here.

I don't want to talk too much about the position, but the only other negative about the position, besides relocating, is I'd have to wear a shirt and tie to work everyday. But, as a few members of my family have already pointed out, that might be good for me. Anyway, the shirt and tie thing is definitely not a deal breaker. I just hope they don't mind the "Dogs playing poker" tie.

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