Sunday, November 23, 2003
There is one bit of news I saw that I've been shocked hasn't gotten more press. A couple weeks ago, I saw a small article on a back page of the local newspaper that says that Larry Flynt announced that he had topless photo of Jessica Lynch, but he wouldn't publish them because she had been through enough. I don't know if that's true, but I find it believable. Larry Flynt, despite his often disgusting image, has always seemed to have a patriotic streak. Besides, his not publishing them would actually be better publicity than the backlash that would probably occur if he did. Now, today, I read that, although Larry Flynt won't publish them, some magazines overseas have also bought the photos from the sellers, apparently fellow soldiers of Jessica, and have no such reservations about publishing them. Once again, I'm amazed that the mainstream media hasn't jumped all over this. There always seems to be a feeding frenzy over anything Jessica Lynch related. Of course, the pictures, if published, will eventually make it to the States via the internet, but I don't think it will have a big impact on Jessica, even if the media does start reporting it. Considering her status as a hero and her image being more cute and innocent than sexy, added to the fact that she seems to have no interest in parlaying her 15 minutes of fame into a public career, I don't see that big a interest from the american male public of seeing the photos.
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