
Thursday, November 13, 2003

I also got Matrix:reloaded from Netflix. I fell asleep part way though it. I was never caught up in the Matrix hype. I really like the first one. The thought that our lives are really a V-R world inside of a computer was a great sci-fi concept.

But I never had a great interest in seeing the second one. I don't know why, I just never did. So I never saw Reloaded in the theatres. I now don't regret that. The digital effects are no longer a novelty and the whole concept no longer surprises. That leaves the story and the people. I never cared much for neo or trinity. I liked Morpheus, but in the second one he seems more human than the guy who contacted him. Morpheus was cooler when we didn't know who he was. I think it was the other crew of the ship that kept me interested in the first movie. They were the ones I related to and the ones I had emotional connection to. This time, the crew was just one guy. And he wasn't involved enough for me to care enough to carry me through the movie. As bad guys go, Agent Smith is great, but the best part of the first one was we didn't exactly know who/what he was, plus we had the extra plus of Joe Pantoliano's Cypher as a additional bad guy. The biggest disappointments for me was the action sequences. When neo was fighting the army of Agent Smiths. I was so bored I almost fast-forwarded through the rest of it. It reminded me too much of a video game. Give me the more human fight sequence at the end of Kill Bill vol. 1 instead anyday.

So, to wrap things up, I probably won't see the last Matrix movie until it's on cable and I get cable. At least there will be the last Lord of the Rings movie for me to talk to fellow geeks about.

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