
Monday, June 23, 2003

There's a search engine in town! I found this article on the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette website. It's about a new search engine, technically, meta search engine, that groups the results. It's called Vivisimo. It's a great idea and, the little I used it, it seemed to work great. The part that really puts a smile on my face is the fact that it's starting as a project at Carnegie Mellon University. The story of Vivisimo seems reminiscent of the start of Lycos, the search engine that saw the beginning of the careers of a number of people currently swimming in the waters of the tech industry, including myself, Bill, Mitch, Pat, & Dave. If my current job wasn't as stable a job as you can find in the tech industry, I'd consider trying to jump back into the world of queries and spider programs. But I do recommended supporting the Vivisimo project just by using it and spreading the word about it.

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